What Are the Signs of Dental Implant Failure? 

If you are suffering from tooth loss, dental implants are a very safe and effective restorative solution. But, although they have a high success rate, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are fail-proof. It's estimated that about five to ten percent of dental implants fail due to various reasons. Being able to identify the signs of implant failure early on can help you address and remedy the problem before it takes a turn for the worse.

So, here's how to tell if something is wrong with your implant. 

Intense Pain and Discomfort 

It's normal to experience some pain after getting a dental implant, especially in the first few days after the surgery. But, this pain can be managed with OTC medication and should slowly subside. 

If your pain is throbbing, keeps increasing instead of going away, and medication seems to have little to no effect on it, then you should get in touch with your dentist right away. 

Gum Recession 

If the dental crown seems longer than the rest of your teeth or if you can actually see the metallic post under the gum line, then that's a clear sign that your implant is failing. 

Gum recession around the implant site usually happens either because there wasn't enough gum tissue to support the implant or because the implant wasn't properly positioned and inserted into the jawbone. 

The Implant Feels Loose or Is Shifting 

While you may need a short adjustment period, your implant shouldn't feel odd in your mouth. In fact, you shouldn't be aware that it's there at all and it should feel just like your regular teeth. 

If your implant is not well supported by the jawbone or surrounding tissue, it may feel as if it's wiggling or shifting when eating or talking. If that's the case, call your dentist and tell them about the problem, as that's a sign of failure and needs to be resolved right away. 

Difficulty Biting and Chewing 

As we said, your implant should feel like the rest of your teeth. As such, you shouldn't experience any odd sensations when eating or speaking. 

If you have difficulties biting or if you feel pain when you are chewing, similar to having a cavity, then that's usually another sign that something might be wrong. 

Irritation and Swelling Around the Implant Site 

If the gums around the implant site are swollen and tender in the first few days after the surgery, then you shouldn't be alarmed. That's a normal part of the healing process. 

However, if you notice irritation and swelling weeks, months, or even years after the surgery, then that's usually a red flag that something is wrong with your implant. 

Get in Touch with Us Whenever You Notice Something Unusual 

It doesn't matter if you had your implant a month ago or a year ago. Whenever you notice any of these signs or anything unusual, get in touch with the team at Mestichelli Barnes Dental Associates for a quick check-up. 

You can contact us online or call us at (215) 334-2000

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