How Long Does the Dental Implant Process Take?

Thinking about getting dental implants in Philadelphia but are confused about how long the process actually takes?

You’re not alone. Unfortunately, it’s can be difficult to get a straight answer because the dental implant process timeline depends on several factors.

Check out a breakdown of each stage of the dental implant process below, and get a rough estimate of how long it usually takes:

Stage 1: Initial Consultation

First, you’ll need to see a dentist to find out if dental implants are right for you. The procedure has an impressive 97% success rate because patients are carefully screened before the surgery.

Here are the criteria used to determine if you’re a good candidate for implants:

  • Healthy jawbone
  • Sufficient bone density
  • Healthy gums
  • No titanium allergy
  • No other oral health issues (such as gum disease)
  • No illnesses or medications that could affect implant surgery healing

If you’re a good candidate, then this stage will only take a few hours for the dentist to check your medical history and dental records. Sometimes, patients may need additional treatments before they’re cleared for surgery, which can extend the timeline.

For instance, if you need a bone graft, your surgery will likely be delayed for at least 3 months to allow the jawbone time to heal.

Stage 2: Implant Surgery and Osseointegration

Then, you will go into the office to get the titanium post surgically inserted into the jawbone. The procedure only takes around 1-3 hours, but the healing period is much more extensive.

Patients may need anywhere from 3-6 months, or even longer in some cases, to fully heal from an implant surgery. This process, called osseointegration, involves all the tissues healing around and fusing to the implant so that it stays firmly in place just like a natural tooth root.

Stage 3: Abutment Placement and Dental Crown Impression

Once your implant fully heals, you’ll go back into the office to get the abutment, a connector piece that links the implant post to the dental crown. After that, the dentist takes an impression of your tooth and sends it to a lab to create the crown.

This is usually done in just one visit, but it can take around 1-2 weeks for the custom crown to be ready.

Stage 4: Dental Crown Placement

Once the dental crown is ready, you’ll go in for your final appointment and get it permanently attached to the abutment. 

After that, the dental implant process is completed, and all you have to do now is practice good oral hygiene and go in for routine check-ups and cleanings once every 6 months.

Find Out If Dental Implants Are Right for You

Dr. Bill Mestichelli and Dr. Michael Barnes are here to help you figure out if dental implants can restore your smile.

Request a visit to Mestichelli Barnes Dental Associates online, or call us at (215) 334-2000 if you have more questions.

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